Friday, March 29, 2013

Leading Trends Within the Family

I have a strong belief in the difference between gender roles a father and a mother posses. I also strongly believe that the traditional family structure is divine. Although, this traditional unit is being threatened and changed in the world we live in today.
In class, we have discussed the different trends in society regarding families.

Divorce is up
Pre-marital sex is up
There are fewer marriages
Cohabitation is up
There are fewer children being born into families
Living alone is up
There are more people not participating in social activities
There are fewer social experiences with extended family
Births within unmarried couples is up
Mothers that work is up

In class, we discussed in groups what we individually thought was significant, interesting, or no big deal. I really enjoyed this class discussion and I found a lot of relevance to it.
The fact that the divorce rate has increased is sad and the threat that it will continue to rise is very scary. This goes along with fewer marriages.
Cohabitation increase is significant because that may prevent marriages from happening.
Pre-marital sex as an increasing issue is sad because of many reasons: threat of pregnancy, STD's, and lack of self control and no long term perspective
The number of births within unmarried couples is significant because that may lead to children growing up without a father or mother figure in their life.
Living alone is interesting because people are choosing to be alone. The reasons to why people choose to do that are intriguing as well.
Also, the decrease in social activity participation may exist because a person may not have access to a social life whether they have no friends, their jobs takes over their life, they choose not to or for other reasons.
The decrease in extended family activities is sad and interesting because this hasn't been a trend in the past. So the question, "Why is this happening?" comes up.
Fewer children is an interesting trend because that is a world-wide trend.
No Big Deal:
The idea of working mothers is not a big deal because women have the opportunity to work and they can take that offer up. Along with that, the economy is shocked so sometimes there needs to be another job in the family to help with bills and finances.
Sometimes extended family relations aren't a big deal because they do not always have a huge significance in some families lives.

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