Thursday, April 4, 2013

Communication & Mutual Problem Solving

This week, we talked about how solving problems together as a family is critical. Better ideas, help, and effort is put forth and problems are solved in ways that we may not expect. The thing that stuck out to me most this week though was whenever we discussed the influence of drugs within a family because I can relate to that. Brother Williams described how marijuana  has such negative impacts on the human body. What struck me most was this:

Marijuana, when smoked on a regular basis for a long period of time, stops the mental development of an individual. 

That statement blew my mind. So, for example, if a teenager started smoking at the age of fourteen on a regular basis and didn't stop, his mentality will remain as a fourteen year olds until he stops. I realized how many do not realize how negative marijuana can be on the body and mind. It makes people lazy, and they need it in order to enjoy life. I thought this was all interesting because someone close to me has an issue with marijuana. We also discussed the benefits of counseling and how having a counselor to help you through addictions can be very critical. Also, within the church, we have high councilmen and areas that allow counseling. Counseling is for the benefit of the individual. When taken seriously, using effective communication and honesty, counseling can create lifetime impacts. 

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